Emergency Medical Services
EMS Instructor: Jenifer Calcorzi
Email: calcorzij@bjace.org
Emergency Medical Services is a one semester program, open to high school seniors, designed to teach students how to recognize and respond to various emergencies. Students will review basic anatomy and physiology as it relates to injury management and treatment. Students will learn about legal and ethical implications, communications, safety, infection control and professionalism. Focus will be on skills necessary to recognize and care for emergencies in adults, children, and infants until professional medical help arrives. Students will obtain CPR & AED certifications with the potential of becoming a licensed Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).
This course is offered for high school seniors. Students may begin the course prior to their 18th birthday, however, to take the National Registry Examination for EMT-B, the student must be at least 18 years old.
Further information regarding EMT-Basic requirements can be found at the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, South Carolina EMS Educators Association, and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.
Industry Recognized Certifications: CPR, AED, OSHA 10 & EMT*
National registry card expires in two years and state certification expires every three years. EMS I (1 Credit) Any Semester EMS II (1 Credit) Grade 12 EMS III (1 Credit) Course Code: 5531, 5532 & 5533 Grade Level: 12 Prerequisite: Must be in Grade 12; Courses taken sequentially.
*Note: After the student’s 18th birthday and successful completion of both the practicum and the theoretical National Registry examination for EMT-B, the student will be nationally registered and state certified in South Carolina